Pre-School Education in Chengdu

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Avatar photoRay.
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  • #35987
    Avatar photoCheeYue

    Hi there,

    I have a daughter that is turning 2yrs old in 4months time and I’m looking for a “affordable” Pre-School for her (the other international school of QSI/Leman/CDIS are quite expensive).

    We’re from Malaysia/HK and therefore, would like to put our daughter in either a 100% English or Bilingual English/Mandarin school.

    I’d appreciate some feedback/advises on the above.

    Rgds, CY

    Avatar photopickleford

    If you’re going to be near the 高新区 (Hi-tech zone) area, I am currently one of the foreign teachers working at the American Eagle Kindergarten, which has pre-kindergarten international and bilingual programs, with mostly western style curriculum’s. Admission usually isn’t until about age 3 though, but it could be worth inquiring with my bosses, as the Chengdu branch is only recently opened and constantly expanding.

    For more information phone: +86 28 8333-6580

    Good luck.

    Avatar photoCheeYue

    Hello Pickleford,

    Thanks for your reply. Do you have the address of the school at this Hi-Tech Zone area?? Is there a website that I can browse for more information??

    Rgds, CY

    Avatar photopickleford

    Yep, the address is:
    300 Yong Cui Lu, Nan Chengdu hui, gaoxin qu (Hi- tech Zone), Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China

    住址:610041 四川省成都市高新区雍翠路


    They do have a website, but I think it’s more geared towards the Taiwan branches of the school. Here’s the address</div>

    Avatar photoRay

    @ Pickleford; that’s a cool name for a kindergarten. if they need a mascot:

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