This is UICC Education Co. Ltd. located in China , If you are from native English speaker country(USA UK Canada Ireland Australia New Zealand South Africa), We can offer a teaching English position in China’s Sichuan province Mianyang city, Face to face teaching time not more than 16 hours per week, provide free apartment, help getting a work visa, salary is 5000-8000RMB per month. so if you want to know more about our offer, please feel free to contact us.
please send us the information listed below:
1. Resume
2. First page of your passport ( visa page if you are already in China).
3. Copy of your degree, diploma or any certificate which will indicate your education.
4. recently photo
Best Regards
SkypeID: uicc520217;
Email: [email protected]
Phonenumber:+86-0816-2320504 </span></p>