Hey guys, wondering if anyone plays Rubgy with other Expats? Yesterday i had a great day with the Chengdu Panda Rugby team that i’m really considering joining the team!
And allot of hot broads there ‘looking’ for a green card, sort to speak heh. But im against those type of women, so i just ignore them. Other than that, its always great to drink and have a great time with other English speakers in Chengdu!
Im only able to make Sats, because of my location, but man, i cant wait til next Sat! Last night was a huge blast. Drinking, dancing.. Stripped men??? (????)…?… It was a grand ol’time!
Heres their website.. Though, not updated i believe.
Check it out, come to work out and free drinks!!! And ignore the green card ready women.. Unless they are tall Euro or Russian women.. Then game on >:D