Hi guys, we’re gonna play Symphony Dances of Rachmaninoff and Cello Concerto No.1 of Shostakovich on 8th of Nov, Friday night, 8pm. The cello soloist is the famous Chinese Cellist Liwei Qing, he is so-called ‘the second Yo-yo Ma’ in the music world. He won the second prize of Tchaikovsky International Music Fest in 1998. The musicians from SCCM Sypmphony Orchestral, lots of them graduated from different conservatories in China and some of them are teachers of Sichuan Conservatory and some of them used studied and worked in overseas before. The price of concert tickets are different and depend which position you wanna sit, they are 80/100/120/150 yuan per one, the cheap one to buy to listen to a live symphonies. If you fancy to book/buy tickets , do not hesitate to contact with me. My wechat: 446949572

Concert: A Russian Night
Time: 8pm on 8h of Nov, 2013
Ticket Prices: 80/100/120/150
Address: Sichuan Conservatory Concert Hall, Sichuan Conservatory of Music, N0.6 of Xinsheng Rd, Wuhou District, Chengdu, 610000
More info.:www.sccm.cn