I have an excellent SEO guy in the UK who’s worked wonders for my site. He doesn’t charge a monthly retainer like many of the other ‘consultants’ out there who’ll just tweet a few things per month and take your cash.
He can also manage a google adwords account for you. But he doesn’t do Chinese sites, if that’s what you’re after.
I think Baidu uses similar algorithms to google, although in a less sophisticated way. SEO in China is not the big industry it is in the west. Read today that the average SEO consultant salary over the last 5 years has gone from £40K to £75K a year!!
My guy charges about £200 for working through the site and making a load of changes, then more to set up an adwords campaign etc. Drop me an email if you’d like his details christopherdobbing[at]gmail.com .
Hope that’s some help.