Sending money to the US

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    Avatar photocjkchengdu

    Hi everyone, it may have already been asked before but I tried to search the forum about this topic but couldn’t find any. I want to ask for your suggestions about sending money to the US.

    Apparently, I learned that a foreigner can only send up to $500 maximum per year via wire transfer or western union.

    So the only option I have is to have the money sent to US by a Chinese national.. any thoughts about this will be appreciated.



    Avatar photoMerior

    I think it’s more like 50,000 US$ a year for a bank to do an international transfer for you unless you can satisfy the Chinese bank that you came by the money honestly and is not a money laundering scheme.

    Avatar photoTrevorTCB

    ya it’s you can exchange a maximum of $500 a day not a year, i’m not sure what our max is on sending is, as i don’t have to patients to go to the bank every day and exchange $500 till i reach the amount i want to send, i just get a chinese friend or girlfriend to do it, they can exchange $50,000 in one day with a maximum of $50,000 a year….. the only thing you might want to look out for is (for your friend) the income tax people might ask them why they had $50,000 in their account for 5 minutes, i haven’t heard of anything like that happening, but its something to be aware of.

    good luck!!

    Avatar photoJerryS

    I been able to send 2k wiring to a US bank last year. My bank is ICBC in China. THere is already a few threads up on this issue, look it up… No point in rehashing the same material.

    Avatar photocjkchengdu

    Thanks for the heads up @TrevorTCB, I won’t be sending $50K one time so I think it should be ok 🙂


    Well, I think having it sent by a Chinese friend is the way to go.
    It is frustrating, but then again, it’s China and they have their own rules.

    Thanks everyone for replying back.

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