Monetizing a Blog or Website

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Avatar photoRay.
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  • #41451
    Avatar photomsinglynx

    Hey guys.
    Since my whole plan for moving to shenzhen is to make as much money as possible as quickly as possible, I’ve decided that I need a few more passive income streams. I used to write professionally and run several blogs but I got lazy and let them die years ago. Google has changed so much since then I’m not sure where to start this time around. I’m wanting to make some how to travel and how to live there (blogs? websites?). I used to use blogspot cuz… well it’s just sooo damn easy. Everything is built in and no coding. I can modify existing code (BADLY!) but I cant create it for shit so I’m not keen on building a wordpress blog.

    There’s also the issue of monetization (which wordpress didnt use to allow). Blogspot is blocked in China so that means half+ of my potential readers cant access it without a vpn (which I’ not counting on). Even if I find a blogging platform I CAN use and it’s viewable from both overseas and china, how can I monetize it? It’s super easy to add in like amazon links for the overseas crowd, but what about in China? Can I get taobao links to specific products?? Where can I find that kind of advertising on your blog info about chinese ads? and can I get oney per click same as with non chinese ads?

    Anybody know the answers to any of these questions? if push comes to shove I do have some friends who can build the site for me, but I always think it’s better to try to do it myself first.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    There isn’t an easy answer to this and making any usable amount of passive income from a website will require a lot of knowledge and time. Unless you’re selling virtual or physical things, are two basically ways to make money online:

    1. Advertise, which requires a ton of traffic
    2. Affiliate marketing, which requires a lot of traffic by people who buy things

    If you don’t know how to do either of these things or haven’t done them before, you will probably be making $10/month doing this. Not trying to be harsh, just being honest.

    Starting an informational blog or site about Shenzhen will be difficult if you haven’t spent a lot of time there and don’t deeply know how the city works because you will be competing against people establishing a presence there with local knowledge.

    Avatar photoRay

    Very tough these days, just cos of the sheer number of blogs out there. Years ago i met the guy from (film fan blog which became huge) and he said pretty much the same thing: these days it would be very difficult to achieve the same thing just cos some categories (like travel) are totally saturated. But some guys, like ubergizmo/sploid/wirecutter have done pretty well for themselves. Just gotta get those clicks happening…

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