So, I arrived last night. Pretty much had to go straight to bed after minimal unpacking and then to work this morning.
Boss took us out to lunch and we had 8 or 10 dishes most of which I don’t know the names of. They were all good and several of them were great. If that meal is representative of the food here I’ll be very happy.
Got a little lost on the walk home. I say a little lost because I still new roughly where I was and where I needed to go, but the maps on Google I’ve been studying only show the major roads I guess and there are lots of smaller side streets. It was kind of nice though it made me really wish I knew the language and could read the signs or ask directions.
Almost immediately after I started walking I came to a place where the sidewalk was closed and so everyone was walking on the street & a scooter passed me from behind by like 2 inches. Surprisingly, I didn’t freak out and made it all the way home without getting hit by anything. 😉
Then when I got home and started checking out the apartment I realized again how handy it would be to read Chinese as I tried to figure out how to use all of my appliances. Also, there is a bottle of what I assume is dish washing liquid by the sink, but I don’t know if it is for the dish washer or only for doing them the old fashion way in the sink.
Jet lag is killing me so hopefully this post made sense as I’m about to pass out. 🙂