I was playing basketball today at the Nike park and got a pretty cool flyer. NBA “legends” Tracy “T-Mac” McGrady, Gary “The Glove” Payton, Jason “White Chocolate” Williams, and Gawen DeAngelo “Bonzi” Wells are coming to play the Bayi Rockets (CBA) in Chengdu. I’m definitely checking this out. Details below.
No kidding! I had a good laugh when I saw 1580 RMB! Courtside you think!? :/
Guys will be selling tix for 50 kuai outside
Sad but true. Has this event been heavily promoted though? As popular as basketball is, I wonder how many people will show. Looking at the interactive seat booking, the only seats (almost) sold out are (surprise surprise!) the 1580 Courtsides.
Super expensive… but man I can imagine how much it must cost to get Tracy McGrady and Gary Payton to come to Chengdu to play pickup street ball with someone like the Bayi Rockets. This event is basically “See NBA superstars alley-oop and otherwise ridiculously outclass the competition”. I played against McGrady in an event like this when he was still in high school (we were like the Bayi Rockets).