Where to Buy Movie Tickets Outside of the Cinema?

HomeForumsIn ChengduWhere to Buy Movie Tickets Outside of the Cinema?

  • This topic has 15 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Avatar photoIan.
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    Avatar photoLord of Tickets

    Could anybody tell me Where to buy movie tickets?except in the cinema.Especially foreign friends.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    Buy them online, either with 团购 (Groupon-like sites) or just through Taobao sellers. I found a Taobao seller who sells movie tickets locally, I have his number saved in my phone and I just call him when I want tickets. He tells me what’s available and I send him money through Zhifubao using Taobao and he sends me a code which I use at the theater. There must be a simpler way but I’d say I go to movie theaters in China maybe 3-4 times a year, not very often.

    Avatar photoSue

    checked and found it’s an advertisement. Pls check the Avatar.

    this post should be removed.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    checked and found it’s an advertisement. Pls check the Avatar. this post should be removed.

    Thanks Sue. I changed that user to remove any advertisements.

    Avatar photoIan

    The little kiosks that sell newspapers and magazines sell vouchers for cinema’s.  You just exchange them at the cinema, but you can only sit in certain areas.

    We just buy ours online at Shiguang,  I went last night to see Thor 2 only paid 38rmb at Wanfujing.  Don’t really bother with Wanda anymore.

    Avatar photoMichael M

    If you have a Merchant’s Bank card you can use this to pay at most cinemas (Wanda, Wangfujing, raffles, galleria, all the big malls) and the price is only 30 or 35 yuan.

    Avatar photocjkchengdu

    Wow those are great prices for the movies. watched a movie last weekend, and i thought i bought the one that’s for Thor but I was actually given a ticket for sylvester stallone’s escape plan at the cinema in Ren He mall, and I cant believe I paid 128 yuan for that! i should go to wangfujing next time..

    Avatar photoLiam

    I buy mine through Dianping tuangou, I think this might be what Charlie said, depending on what movie theater you’re at the tickets are around 20-25, if you wanna see 3D they’ll upcharge you about 5 at the movie theater. Sometimes you have to wait in line for a machine for the ticket, then go to the counter for a seat, but if you play the “stupid laowai” card you might be able to get the lady at the counter to give you your ticket and your seat all in one go. 128 yuan is robbery bro.

    Avatar photoIan

    Just got back from watching Gravity at DMAX. Don’t miss the start of the movie like half the audience did.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    Just got back from watching Gravity at DMAX. Don’t miss the start of the movie like half the audience did.

    I saw this last night also, at Wanda Plaza in IMAX 3D. 55 yuan per ticket via tuangou. Really good movie.

    Avatar photoAlan

    It seems Baidu maps have added a feature that allows you to check cinema times and even buy tickets.

    It trumps Google maps by 1,000,000 points in my book.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    It seems Baidu maps have added a feature that allows you to check cinema times and even buy tickets. It trumps Google maps by 1,000,000 points in my book.

    Have you used this before? That sounds really convenient. Hopefully payment works easily with UnionPay or Zhifubao.

    Avatar photoRay

    Used Luomi.com and saw Hunger Games 2 for 29 kuai

    Avatar photoAlan

    I had a little look and stopped at the stage where it asks for your phone number. Not sure what is supposed to happen after that. I think it just went live today. I woke up to an update and saw that there were new features for cinema listings.

    It’s actually a really handy new feature because it also distinguishes between 2D/3D/Imax or English language and dubbed movies on the listings. Which is not always clear when you are at the cinema.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    Used Luomi.com and saw Hunger Games 2 for 29 kuai

    How does payment work on that site? I’m interested in seeing Hunger Games 2 as well, I hear it’s better than the first.

    Avatar photoIan

    Just got back from hunger games 2 pretty good.  When I use shiguang it just takes the payment from my phone credit also you can choose the seats at wanfujing and wanda with Shiguang, but it wont let you choose at raffles.  Cost 33rmb  at wanfujing

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