Foreign Friends In Chengdu:
Class Type:Interest Classes on weekends
Learning time:Every Saturday all-day classes
(A total of 12 times)
Tuition (RMB): 5,200
Curriculum:回锅肉、宫保鸡丁, 鱼香茄子, 水煮牛肉, 钟水饺等. 共计32道川菜
Twice-cooked pork、Gongbo chicken、fish-flavour aubergine、boiled beef in hot sauce、Jiaozi, Sichuan Zhong Style etc, A Total of 32 Sichuan recipes.
Class Type:Interest Classes at night
Learning time:Every Monday, Wednesday night 18:00-21:00
(A total of 10 times)
Tuition (RMB): 4,080
Curriculum:辣子鸡、鱼香茄子, 锅贴饺子, 回锅肉, 刀工练习等. 共计20道川菜
Spicy Chicken, Fish-flavour aubergine, Saute jiaozi, Twice-cooked pork, Practice technique of cutting etc, a Total of 20 Sichuan recipes.
If you want to learn, you can e-mail me:
My E-mail address: [email protected]