Yet Another Moving Sale

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    Avatar photomsinglynx

    Whaddup peepsss?

    I randomly realized I am bored as fuck and staying in Chengdu out of sentimentality. So I decided it was time to move on and now I have several things for sale and a few questions about moving. Questions first, stuff for sale below.

    1. I have a cat. Any ideas of how I can safely get her to Shenzhen? I dont know what, if any shots she might need just to fly from here to Shenzhen and I dont want to send her by herself over land because she is a big baby & easily upset. I’m hoping to keep her with me. Can I take her on a train??

    2. Anybody have foreign friends in shenzhen that I can ask about cost of living and what schools/agencies to avoid? I have chinese friends there but I find I spend money differently and they never know how to find out a school’s reputation.

    3. Does anyone know a relatively cheap moving company that can safely deliver my stuff for like… less than 2000RMB? I dont have a ton of stuff but it is still too much for me to carry myself,especially while dealing with my cat.

    Stuff for sale:

    • Projector “3D enabled” been over heating a bit this summer so I expect it needs a new lamp. ~make an offer
    • Speakers 1 small set bought a month ago for 150 now 70
    • 1 set of 2 small speakers and one medium speaker for 100
    • Black Ikea corner table 20
    • Black Ikea coffee table 60
    • Round light colored wooden folding table (good for dining room table) 75
    • 3 Folding wooden chairs 25 each or 75 for all
    • Dishes/coffee/tea cups~ random cooking stuff 100 for everything
    • 2 free weights (the kind with the twist lock) currently set to I think 15 & 20 pounds both for 40 (better for women, I think they are not heavy enough for guys or serious lifter but decent for women who want to tone)
    • Several lamps from Ikea- red one 30, a black table lamp 50
    • An oven (dusty and a bit dirty cuz I’m not going to be too intense about cleaning it), i guess about 12×12 in. Works perfectly for making small pizzas, cakes, cookies, roasted veggies and meat. I will give you some baking pans to go with it, for 75
    • Random stuff like scarves, mini white board, jewelry, etc for random price
    • A big fluffy “slipper” shaped like a Koala. it’s like a giant slipper that you put your feet into in the winter. Got it for my cat but she has no interest. 20
    • a small cat tower with scratching post, a bouncy mouse and a ball to destroy. About 16inches tall. Paid 120. my cat loves this but I will get her a new one there. Looks mostly new (except a somewhat frazzled mouse) 50
    • Several paintings (come & see) about 20×16 inch abstract painting yellow and orange
    • “basket” with purple “grapes” ~make an offer (painted by moi and I had some gallery shows before coming to China. These are just too big to take with me to Shenzhen and likely to be destroyed on the way so I’d rather they get a new home)
    • 3 small yellow paintings of vegetables (red bell pepper, purple onion with green onion and purple grapes) about 6×6 inch 25 each
    • I’m also making a small series of black tiles with colorful birds hand painted on them for 20 each

    and I have more 6×6 and other size (cant remember now) canvas available so if you want hand painted original and it wont take me for ever, hit me up and we can discuss a price. Also contact me if you want pictures of the work.

    I will post more stuff as I am cleaning. thanks

    text or call me at 13540430337. the sooner,the better.

    Avatar photoDanny

    do you have wechat? haven’t gotten around to charging my phone card yet.

    When i moved to chengdu, I used Shentong carrier, pick the slow service (train instead of plane) and it should be about 9rmb/kg. I mailed over 50kg worth of stuff, and total was less than 500 rmb.

    also im interested in your speakers, so please hit me up if you see this:

    wechat: dannylou88

    Avatar photomsinglynx

    Danny, you rock. That might be the perfect solution cuz I have a ton of books. Do they deliver it right to your house or do you have to pick it up?

    I still have the speakers and you can pick them up any time this weekend. Just send me a text when you have time.

    Avatar photoRick in China

    You don’t have to worry about kitty on a train to Shenzhen. You can fly her cargo too. Contact airline ahead of time, it’s no problem. I suggest making sure she’s fed and well watered beforehand….or smash little finger-lob-fulls of ketamin directly on her gums and yer Good To Go.

    Avatar photomsinglynx

    Where would I even get that? The thing is she hasnt had shots so is it legal for her to fly? I dont want to risk it yet. She doesnt have shots cuz literally the exact week we made her vet appointment to get fixed & shots she got pregnant by a romeo who broke into our apartment through the window so I decided to wait until after she had the babies. She still has about 2 weeks to go so I might be able to get her the shots in July if all goes well but this was a sudden decision so I havent really prepared well.

    & on that note, would anyone like a kitten towards mid-end of august? I expect 3 & they should be about 6 weeks old by then so safe to wean.

    Avatar photoRick in China

    Domestic and international is as different as domestic and international flights for *people*. For domestic flights, ie. Chengdu to Shenzhen, you don’t need anything. To take an animal out of CHINA however, is fucking ridiculous, costly, and requires significant planning – for example, to get kitty from China to Australia may require approx 40k RMB and a year of kitty away from *you*. This is an example from personal experience. 😀

    Avatar photomsinglynx

    Thanks Rick! I’m looking up flights as I type.

    Anyone who wants to buy, please dont PM me. For some reason my replies dont go through so just add me on wechat: msinglynx

    So far the speakers, oven and maybe cat post have been sold.

    Avatar photoIan

    The airlines also require specific sized crates for your cat.  The normal cat crates are to small.  Pet Castle have helped my friends in the past get travelling crates.

    Avatar photomsinglynx

    Hmm, how much is a crate? Do I need to tell the airline before or after I buy the ticket?

    Avatar photomsinglynx

    I still got stuff. Updated list follows. My schedule is insane these days so be patient. I’m most free around 10am or after 9 pm or on weekends. Dont hate me cuz I’m busy just come take my stuff!

    A laser party light thing 20
    Bunch of English novels 20 each other books 2-5
    Speakers 1 small set bought a month ago for 150 now 70
    1 set of 2 small speakers and one medium speaker for 100
    Black Ikea corner table 20
    Black Ikea coffee table 60
    Round light colored wooden folding table (good for dining room table) 75
    3 Folding wooden chairs 25 each or 75 for all
    Dishes/coffee/tea cups~ random cooking stuff 50 for everything
    2 free weights (the kind with the twist lock) currently set to I think 15 & 20 pounds both for 40 (better for women, I think they are not heavy enough for guys or serious lifter but decent for women who want to tone)
    a black table lamp 50
    Random stuff like mini white board, cork board, paints, a big glass fish bowl, a small glass fish bowl with 9 fish (8 babies and 1 big one!), jewelry, etc for random price
    A big fluffy “slipper” shaped like a Koala. it’s like a giant slipper that you put your feet into in the winter. Got it for my cat but she has no interest. 20
    a small cat tower with scratching post, a bouncy mouse and a ball to destroy. About 16inches tall. Paid 120. my cat loves this but I will get her a new one there. Looks mostly new (except a somewhat frazzled mouse) 50
    Several paintings (come & see) about 32×20 inch ABSTRACT painting yellow and orange “basket” with purple “grapes”, 32×20 inch Blue spiral with gold stars ~300 each
    3 small yellow paintings of vegetables (red bell pepper, purple onion with green onion and purple grapes) about 6×6 inch 15 each

    Also I’m going to have kittens this week. Tell me if you want one for sure & I will give it to you around July 31st. They should be about 4 weeks old then. I’m taking the mom so please dont ask for her (some jerk was all “I need a cat” I was like dude I’m just selling her TOYS. not cool).

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