The Development of Chengdu: Interview with Journalist Michiel Hulshof
After publishing a book on the development of cities in Central and Western China, what does Michiel Hulshof think about Chengdu? I ask him in this interview.
After publishing a book on the development of cities in Central and Western China, what does Michiel Hulshof think about Chengdu? I ask him in this interview.
Chengdu is one of the fastest-growing cities in the world. So what’s coming in the next few years? Adam Mayer is a great person to ask and I did exactly that.
Two weeks ago I was contacted by Dries, a Dutch entrepreneur who’s been living in Chengdu for years, about the architectural visualization production company which he’s employed by. His inquery turned into a tour of the massive office he works at, which is the latest addition to the company’s 12 other locations in China.
After being laid of from one of the largest architecture firms in the world along with many of his colleagues in January of 2009, Adam Mayer tooled around the San Francisco Bay Area until his former boss and mentor told him that if he wanted to work, he should go to where the construction is heaviest: China.