5.0 Magnitude Aftershock Shakes Chengdu, 2 Years After 2008 Quake
After having just passed two years since the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, we’re once again reminded of the events of that day. This time by the ground moving.
After having just passed two years since the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, we’re once again reminded of the events of that day. This time by the ground moving.
To understand Traditional Chinese Medicine, one must first understand that ailments are as defined and comprehensible only in the context of its own system. As a medical student, I’m tasked with the charge of understanding both East and Western medical philosophies.
The institutional coldness of the hospital soon gives way to the cozy quilt of Grammas wisdom and traditional Pig’s Feet and Peanut soup. For a full month after giving birth, Chinese medical theory calls for a strict regime to help mothers regain their strength.
Just as the first barrage of New year fireworks echoed throughout Chengdu, The Notations transitioned into David Ruffin’s Heaven Help Us on iTunes and I watched my newborn son heave a sigh of relief and squirm a bit deeper into his swaddling. This post is about the birth of my first child in Chengdu.
As worldwide energy reserves dwindle, the Chinese government is aggressively pursuing renewable energy solutions. New sources of power like algae biodesel are key elements in Chinas green energy strategy.